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Represented by Craig
With 25+ years of experience, Craig handles your case, never an associate.
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Why Craig Mordock?
Craig Mordock understands the fear and uncertainty that come with criminal charges. With over 25 years of experience and a track record of success, Craig is committed to aggressively defending your case.
- Successfully defended thousands of cases
- Strictly focused on criminal defense
- Over 25 years of criminal defense experience
- Personally represented by Craig, not an associate
- Honest assessments, not just what you want to hear
- Personalized strategies developed for each client
- Skilled courtroom advocate
- Available anytime – day or night
What Clients Say
Defend Your Future: 3 Steps to Take Charge Now
Schedule A Consultation
Call or fill out our contact form to set up a confidential consultation. We’ll discuss your case and outline your options.
Get a Clear
Defense Plan
We’ll develop a strategy tailored to your situation, explaining each step so you know exactly what to expect.
Fight for
Your Future
With an experienced defense attorney by your side, you’ll have the defense you need to protect your future.
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The Right Defense Starts with the Right Attorney.
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Available 24 Hours a Day
Your Freedom Matters. Your Case Won’t Wait. Contact Craig to schedule a confidential consultation.
Mordock Legal, LLC
5500 Prytania Street, Box 635
New Orleans, LA 70115